Saturday, December 7, 2013

Part of Our Cultural Lexicon

Casablanca is a cultural icon that resonates throughout several generations. Young and old alike find meaning and entertainment in the witty phrases, the romance, and the conceptualization of sacrificial heroism. In this way, it succeeds as representational art of cultures both past and present because its intrinsic value lingers in our society even today. Casablanca as historical evidence of past societies The movie is a masterpiece, and a stunning visual creation to holds the song of the ages. As time goes by, Casablanca will continue to share its message and pass along that hopeful reminder of what freedom fighting is all about.

Something becomes an icon when its resemblance resonates all over the world through its permeation of social, cultural, political, and historical barriers. Once it has been involved in every layer of interactive life over a certain amount of times – meaning its “essence” appears and is recognized in each successive generation – it becomes noticeable, recognizable, and familiar. The familiarity is what keeps the icon lingering because it is essentially part of the intrinsic makeup of a culture’s atmosphere. Its importance lies in its continual presence it owns in our lives. Learn why here
Even today, the quotes that linger on our tongues and the echo of the dramatic music the film featured keep the power of the film in our society like a dense fog that refuses to lift. No one argues against it: Casablanca is an icon. Top 50 quotes from Casablanca

Casablanca is an icon because its power of familiarity is recognizable in most cultures across America, namely the Brattle of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Scott McGee a writer for TCM, a network that airs classic movies wrote on how the American Culture of the 1960s paid homage to the film. The Brattle of Cambridge Located in Cambridge, there was a movie theater named The Brattle that decided to celebrate Casablanca following Humphrey Bogart’s death in ’57. The theater ran Casablanca every year for three weeks at a time, and each time, the extremely enthusiastic theater crowd grew larger in number. Eventually, it turned into a cult: the fans would arrive in trench coats and snap-brim hats in honor of Bogart’s character Rick and shout out the dialogue in1975). But the recitation of the famous quotes of the movie reached beyond the culture of the Brattle of Cambridge. Many who have never even seen Casablanca, would recognize some of the quotes. For example: 
·       “…Here’s looking at you, kid.”
·       “Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine…”
·       “…If we stop breathing, we’ll die. If we stop fighting our enemies, the world will die.”


·       “What is your nationality?” (Major Strausser) “…I’m a drunkard.” (Rick)
·       “We all try, you succeed.”
·       “Remember, this gun is pointed right at your heart.” (Rick) “…That’s my least vulnerable spot.”(Captain Renault)
·       “I’d bet they’re asleep in New York. I’d bet they’re asleep all over America…” (Rick)
·       “I’m the only cause I’m interested in.” (Rick)
·       “Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” (Rick)
·       “…Who are you really, and what were you before? What did you do and what did you think, huh?” Rick “…We said no questions.” (Isla) 

·       If that plane leaves the ground and you’re not with him, you’ll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.” (Rick)
·       “We’ll always have Paris . . . . Ilsa, I’m no good at being noble, but it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you’ll understand that.” (Rick)  
If any of those famous quotes sound familiar, than welcome to the culture of Casablanca. Casablanca quotes are high in number on all the top 100 famous movies quote lists. The American Film Institute ranked, “Here’s looking at you, kid” as number 5 on the list. That spot put Casablanca higher than Citizen Kane, Star Wars, Streetcar Named Desire, and countless other classics. But more interestingly, even though quotes from Gone With the Wind, The Godfathers, and the Wizard of Oz filled in the spots above Casablanca, the list of 100 quotes includes six from Casablanca. The next winner for the most quotes being mention is the Wizard of Oz with three. Even the institute’s countdown of the greatest love stories of all time, Casablanca was ranked number one.  

  Culture in itself as pertaining to ethnicity is another key element that’s portrayed in the movie. As each character is introduced, the nationality is made evident or it’s inquired about. For example, when the German Major Strausser first meets Rick, he asks him about his nationality. Rick states in response that he is a drunkard, and the wit creates a comedic element, but more importantly this line emphasizes that Rick feels no sense of nationality, hence his cynical disinterest to get passionate on the current events of the world. The different characters represent several nationalities and ethnicities presented in the film, and those characters relations with the others are startlingly parallel to the national relationships between allies and countries at the time. 

For example, in the beginning of the film we meet the passionate young French woman at Rick’s bar, who clearly has feelings for Rick and is wondering why he didn’t come to visit her the previous night. Rick gives a very unsentimental cold response and she becomes clearly distraught to be so ignored. Likewise, France was extremely confused in their suffering when American forces did not immediately sympathize with them and come to their aid militarily following the German’s march on Paris.  

Representing neutral territory, Rick’s Café is a little bit like a melting pot – or salad bowl – of cultures. So many countries have representation through the characters in this film: America, Norway, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, French Morocco and Czechoslovakia are the main ones represented. Nationality in Casablanca

 Casablanca has stood the test of time and has become a beloved social artifact for all the generations. It's impact in our culture will continue to live on as the themes of love and sacrifice never grow old. As time goes by, Casablanca will remain a beloved film for all ages.


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